Implementing a security strategy is only the first step

Once in place, the plan must be adhered to and periodically reviewed to identify flaws and to make improvements.

What happens if you suffer an attack or data breach?

The results can be costly. Investigating the attack/breach, restoring the data, the repercussions if data is stolen, and restoring your firm's reputation can be expensive and greatly impact your profitability.

How can Cyber Liability Insurance help?

Cyber Liability cannot prevent you from having a loss but it can help with the associated costs should there be an incident.  Additionally, many insurance companies have a variety of resources they make available to their clients at no extra cost such as data protection tips, educational information, updates on notification laws & regulations. Some may even provide incident response plan templates to assist you in developing or improving your own procedures to reduce the impact of an event.

Cyber Liability


Cost Efficient - Cost Consistent 
1 Bridge Street - Suite 140, Irvington, NY 10533
(914) 488-4164

Cyber Security is a growing concern for all businesses

No matter how large or how small, your business is at risk of some sort of cyber security threat. It could be ransomware, drive-by download, phishing, a network hack, and credential reuse among many others. 

(914) 357-8444

To learn more about cyber liability insurance and how it can help your company, contact one of our Risk Advisors by completing the contact form above or call us at
(914) 357-8444